Community Herbal Care has created new pathways for accessibility in a space so often geared towards the affluent. We know the restorative power naturopathic care and plant rich remedies hold, we believe this level of care should be accessible to all who are in need. We work hard to make that possible.

“I started Community Herbal Care from a place of essential action and I absolutely could not have sustained this creation without the incredible generosity that has surrounded this project from day one. I am in awe of the Northern Rivers community and all of the businesses and makers, both large and small, who have shown up in full force. ”

Erin Lovell Verinder

The nature of disaster response is an ever changing landscape and it is important for the sustainability of this project to extend the scope of our offerings to meet the needs of the community. As the needs evolve, we evolve.

Roaming Free Clinics

In order to service and support the vast areas of the Northern Rivers, we pack up the car and head to where is needed with a fully donated dispensary and a volunteer team of incredible herbalists and naturopaths! Our roaming clinic offers entirely free naturopathic consultations to community in need.

Gatherings and Education

We offer education driven events with an open invitation for the community to gather, get informed and absorb important health and wellbeing information. Our events focus on teaching hands on herbal medicine making skills to encourage self sufficiency and accessibility.

Roadmaps for the Future

Our intention is to work with industry partners to create disaster response plans teaching others to start and sustain a community herbal clinic. We believe it is imperative to take a future forward approach in order to support other communities that may be affected by natural disasters. What we have learnt, we want to share.

Listen to the story behind Community Herbal Care